Al Babson happily bringing stores up the afterbrow |
Al Siegel and Helmut Boehl lining up plaque on the starboard bulkhead in the museum |
Al Siegel and Norm Swanson with workparty plaque |
Ann Leverone and husband Captain Bob Leverone at evening chow |
Bob Freeman with his morning bran Adams Inn |
Brian Siegel, Mike Gallo, Al Siegel, and John Noll getting ready to raise the 1972 Newport News flag up the mainmast |
Brian Siegel and dad Al Siegel |
Bruce Leigh, Rudy Lavrenchik, and son Michael |
Bryant Hopkins leading the group to bring on stores |
Captain Leverone with wife Ann in wardroom |
Chow in wardroom on right Bob Foxwell with grandson Alex |
Chuck Gee, Bryant Hopkins, and Tony Gallagher, having breakfast at the Adams Inn |
Civil War reenactors firing a salute to honor our departed comrades |
Color detail saluting Old Glory |
Don Flibotte once again first in line for evening chow |
Don Flibotte, Russ Burgess and sons, at evening chow |
Don Flibotte, Ernie Linders, Randy Jordan, and Russ Burgess |
Evening chow call in wardroom |
Helmut Boehl attaching plexiglass to the workparty plaque |
Helmut Boehl, Mike Gallo, and Frenchy Vaillencourt unveiling workparty plaque |
Helmut Boehl, Mike Gallo, and Frenchy Vaillencourt unveiling plaque in museum |
Jim Peden videotaping his buddies |
John Mitchell and Tom Hawkins working on captain's corner display |
John Noll and Al Siegel at completed captain's corner displaying Captain Leverone's uniform |
Lined up in ranks for colors |
Lots of shipmates and lots of good chow |
Mike and JoAnn Gallo at workparty plaque in museum |
Mike Gallo, Bob Lanata, Norm Swanson, Helmut Boehl, and Brian Siegel with museum workparty plaque |
Shipmates in wardroom prior to memorial service |
Shipmates about to commence memorial service |
Mike Gallo, Al Siegel, and John Noll leading memorial service |
Mike Gallo, John Noll, and Al Siegel - memorial service |
Mike Gallo, John Noll, and Al Siegel in the museum |
Mike Gallo raising the flag as Brian Siegel holds the line and Al Siegel and John Noll salute |
Norm Swanson and Al Siegel at captain's corner display |
The 1972 Newport News flag flies on the port yardarm |
Our flag proudly waving once again |
Our gals working to keep the museum clean |
Paul Giotto and Larry Gutleber |
Plankowner John Mitchell and Norm Swanson doing questionable things with the captain's corner mannequin |
Plankowner John Mitchell been at sea way too long |
Plankowner John Mitchell with other shipmates waiting for chow |
Randy Jordan happy with the cheesecake but wants his bug juice |
Richard Nixon? Nope, it's Jim Peden |
Russ Burgess with sons Eric and Scott |
Salem wardroom filled with shipmates at evening chow |
Shipmates bringing on stores for chow |
Some of the guys getting ready for morning colors |
Shipmates lining up in ranks for colors |
Saluting at morning colors |
Shipmates Mike Gallo, Al Siegel, John Noll, and Mike Lanier |
Shipmates Ron Prisco and Bob O'Neil |
Tom Hawkins, John Mitchell, Norm Swanson, and Frenchy Vaillencourt in museum |
Tom Hawkins smiling since he cut the chow line |
Tony Gallagher, Russ Burgess, and Bob Smith in our museum |
Workparty crew mustered aft of T3 |