USS Salem Work Parties

In support of the
USS Newport News Museum and Memorial Foundation
here you will find information on upcoming work parties onboard the USS Salem.

Next work party, tentatively scheduled:
Wed. Sept. 16 - Sun. Sept. 20. 2020


Hello Shipmates.
Hope everybody is doing OK. I think we all need some good enjoyable quality time and I am pleased to report that thanks to shipmate Bob Freeman, we will be hosting an all hands work party on the USS Salem, in Quincy Massachusetts in a couple of months.

This work party is **tentatively scheduled from Wed. Sept. 16 - Sun. Sept. 20. 2020. All hands will be able to get a rack on the USS Salem. There are operating heads that include showers. As in the past, all work party members will need to bring their own bedding and their own toiletries including towels.

Bob estimates $6 a day per person for meals ( Breakfast, lunch and dinner). We may even hold a fantail barbecue on Saturday night. That's still in the works depending upon the availability of grills etc. We will let you know.

By the way, if you do not want to stay on the Salem there are the usual places Adam's Inn or the Marriott or any other place you choose to stay at. The museum/memorial directors do not have any arrangements with any other outside facilities, and will not be making any, so you need to make your own arrangements if you choose to stay there

The Newport News division of the Sea cadets from Concord New Hampshire wil supply the color guard and bugler for the Saturday afternoon memorial service.

Work to be done - finish new section of museum on port side and paint the 01 level deck behind T2.

Most importantly, it's an opportunity for you to exchange sea stories with your Shipmates. That's the best part of these work parties and I've been going to them since we started 20 years ago. If you have a physical disability that makes work difficult, please come anyway. Just having you there to lend moral support and share stories of those good old days, would be gratefully appreciated

We've already had quite a few people sign up for the work party so be sure you don't miss out. If you have any questions I'll do my best to answer them, but if not I'll pass them on to Bob Freeman. Let us know if you'll be coming, what day(s) you'll be there and who you'll be bringing. Remember family and friends are certainly welcome.

One last thing. For those of you that have not been aboard USS Salem, the minute you go below decks it's like coming home. I can't describe the emotional feeling but for those that have done it they understand. I urgently suggest you make this work party. Time marches on.

All the best, 
Al Siegel ETR2
OE Division 67-70
Workparty Coordinator
Founding Museum President
Current member Board of Directors USS Newport News Museum and Memorial Foundation

work party
tin can sailor needle gunning barrels of T2 - Sept. 2019 work party
Herb Bernard, Mike Lanier and Mike's friend Bob needle gunning around mount 51 on the one level - Sept. 2019 work party

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